Current Events Article

The topic of my article is about a talented girl that hypnotizes animals. The title of the article is “Talented Five-Year Old “Hypnotizes” Animals.” I got this article from This article is about a five year old named Ying Ying from China that was auditioning at the Amazing Chinese Show at August 17, 2015 showing her unusual talent of hypnotizes animals.

I agree with the experts saying that she isn’t actually hypnotizing animals she is just putting them to sleep. I don’t really feel good about this article because the fact that a little five year old is putting animals to sleep is a little weird. In my opinion I think this crazy and strange. This doesn’t really affect me a lot because the little girl is like across the world from me. But it’s creepy to think that kids at such a young age have such strange talents! I’ve heard of people having such weird talents but I’ve never heard of this particular talent in my life.

This event impacts the world because she is becoming a very popular girl through her talent. I think that because of her talent being so out of the ordinary it will reach other parts of the world quickly and become more popular than what she already is. By this five year olds action of showing her talent to the world, more people are more likely to start showing their talent as well. This would mean that more people around the world would be more knowledgeable about all the different talents people around the world have. This world would be more open to weird, different, and strange talents people have and be more welcoming towards people and their unique talents.

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